Sunday, February 19, 2012

Airports: A Little Heaven on Earth or Hell on Earth?

I visit a lot of airports. The words that come to mind when I think of airports usually have quite negative connotations: expensive, sterile, drudgery, hurry up and wait, lines, stress, frustration, and annoyance. Rarely do I think of words like pleasant, tranquil, and stress-relieving. These words do, however, come to mind when I think of Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Holland.

I have visited Holland and have also flown through the Amsterdam airport hub a number of times, and each time I visit I find another unique gem hidden within its airport. Earlier this month when I came back from Boston I had a 4 ½ hour layover that I spent exploring the airport. As with other airports, it has decent restaurants, plenty of areas to watch action outside the large glass windows, and a plethora of shopping. Amsterdam goes above and beyond this though and exudes a tasteful abundance of Dutch pride. In celebration of the tulip, one of its nationally recognized symbols, these beautiful flowers (which happen to be my favorite) are planted throughout the airport in classically chic flower boxes. The bulbs and plants are also sold throughout the airport. It's also got an airport park that brings a feeling of nature into an otherwise sterile environment.

Beautiful flowers aren’t all this airport has going for it. It also houses a library. Here you can go and peruse a wide selection of books about all things Dutch: art, cooking, history, sports, holidays-you name it, they’ve probably got it. Comfortable chairs and desks are situated with small table lamps so you can immerse yourself in some good reading while you pass the time.

Above the library you can walk up a small spiral staircase to a sleeping area that has reclining chairs and some couch-like furniture. This quiet area’s lights are dimmed a bit and the noise level is subdued.

Some of the best artists in the world have hailed from Holland: Van Gogh, Rembrandt, and Vermeer, just to name a few. There is a small art gallery with works from the country’s famed artists as well as a beautiful art store and learning center. After a visit to the library and art gallery it was time to check my e-mails. Unlike many other airports, the wireless internet is free!

I found a sitting area that looked more like a living room than an airport. It had lovely high-back chairs and some small sofas. There was a glass structure that was made to resemble the wall of a living room, complete with a fake fire place and a large area rug! I laid down on one of the sofas and quickly drifted into a peaceful slumber. A short time later I was groggily aware of beautiful classical piano music. Had they turned music on in the airport? I laid there listening to this gorgeous melody for another minute before realizing that it was actually live music. Lifting my head just enough to scope out the area around me, I saw that there was a piano just a few feet away, on the other side of this ‘living room’ wall. A traveler had stopped and was sharing his talent with those of us in this relaxing abode. How in the world was I in an airport right now? I was contently laying on this sofa near a fake fire place listening to a short Bach performance. Was this really happening? Can I really be relaxing in an airport?

Alas, my time finally came to a close and I boarded the plane for Dar. Did I really just actually enjoy my time in an airport? Was this really an airport? Art galleries? Libraries? Living rooms and live music? More airports need to be like this one; it’s just the remedy for any weary traveler. In the meantime, I need to book another flight through Amsterdam so I can visit this traveler’s paradise again soon.


  1. Once again I am walking along with you on your journey. Thank you for sharing a slice of life with us back here in the states. You have missed your calling my dear. Keep up the writing. All my love! Momma

    1. I'm glad you enjoy it; I like sharing it with others. I look forward to writing the blog update about having YOU come to visit me!!


Ngorogoro Crater

Ngorogoro Crater
Sunset at Ngorogoro Crater