Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sacrifices for Family

Today I want to share an encounter I had a few weeks ago with a local man who I am blessed to call a friend. People here are much more community oriented than the average Americans. They ‘do life’ together on a whole different level, often sharing homes, food and resources out of necessity. This kind of communal mindset permeates all areas of life and sets the tone for personal and commercial climates.

One Friday evening I hired Francis, one of my two usual taxi drivers, to take me to the bank then to a friend’s house. There was a bit of traffic and I had confused the bank’s hours, so whenever we arrived it was already closed. I got back into the car and disappointingly shared the news. Without a moment’s hesitation, Francis opened his ashtray where all of his money is kept and took out a handful of bills while asking, “Sister, how much money do you need to be ok until you can come back?”

Instantaneously my frustrations slid off like a layer of dirt in a shower. I was touched that this man, who I know struggles to make ends meet on a daily basis, offered what little he had to make sure that my comparatively spoiled desires were met. Why? Because we’re family and that’s what family does for one another. I’m blessed to have these ‘family’ members here to look out for me.

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Ngorogoro Crater

Ngorogoro Crater
Sunset at Ngorogoro Crater