Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me That Moving Is Such A Pain?!

Well, I am mentally ready to get on a plane and leave for Dar any time. Logistically however, things are a bit of an unnerving mess. Here is the simplified version of where I am in the process. In order to live and work in Tanzania, I must have residency paperwork and a permanent work visa. The government takes quite a long time (usually around 2-3 months) to get these papers issued. In order to start the process, I had to submit my UCF diploma and State of Florida Teaching Certificate, among other things. Long story short, I graduated the second week in May and I worked with UCF to have my transcripts and diplomas made available to me three weeks later. I then had to get my teaching certificate, which I had rushed as much as possible, and it just finally arrived at my home on Friday. I've sent it to Tanzania via DHL and will only now start the 2-3 month process to get my official papers.

Now, this may not seem like such a huge mess; I can just get a temporary visa and I'll be fine. Well, yes and no. Yes, they'll let me in the country and I can work until the papers come through. The problem lies in getting all of my things into the country. The only way to send my things is via cargo ship. My things can't be sent until the beginning of next week (I leave next Friday), and they take approximately 35-40 days to arrive. So, I'll already be there over a month without my boxes. It gets worse when you add in the fact that it's virtually impossible for the government to let all of my items clear customs before I have my finalized official papers; unfortunately the temporary ones will not suffice. So, if it takes 2-3 months go get my papers I don't think I'll be getting my stuff any time soon.

As some of you know, Tanzania is quite third world to say the least and things are not available there like they are here in the states. I'm having to bring over not only all of my household goods, but also a year's supply of everything that I need--toiletries, etc. The knowledge that I'll have for the first few months I'm living in another country is whatever I can fit into my airplane suitcase is stressing me out quite a bit to say the least!

I ask that as you read this and think of me over the next few weeks, you pray that my paperwork goes through with abnormal speed and I can get my belongings quickly and without any hassle. It will make adjusting to a new place so much easier!

Ngorogoro Crater

Ngorogoro Crater
Sunset at Ngorogoro Crater